‘The Sun’ dazed Brain’Art Challenge 2018

Jelena Ban and Antonela Petrović participated to the  Brain’Art Challenge. Their artwork “The sun” has been selected and will be displayed in Liège-Guillemins train station, Europa 50 area, from 1st October to 30 November 2018.
Brain’Art Challenge is part of the Belgian Brain Congress with the purpose to increase awareness about brain research and brain disorders and to fund medico-social projects for brain-related diseases.
More information can be found HERE.

New international Master of Biotechnology

A new master student has emerged from the Laboratory for Molecular Neurobiology.

Tatiana Grouin, a transfer student from the University of Cergy-Pontoise, France, has sucessfully defended her master thesis in front of professors from the University of Cergy-Pontoise on Monday, 25. 06. 2018.

The Laboratory for Molecular Neurobiology warmly welcomes her, together with her new title into its ranks!

Open day festival impressions

On the 17th April 2018., Department of Biotechnology hosted the 6th annual Open day festival, opening its doors to public, both young and old. Amongst numerous workshops, experiments and demonstration, our Laboratory for molecular neurobiology participated with a children’s play named “What can our brain do?”, describing various cell lines and interactions in our brain. The play was hosted by dr. Jelena Ban and mag. Zrinko Baričević, portraying the interplay of neurons, glial cells, oligodendrocytes and microglia in a casual, entertaining and interactive way. With eight groups and over 200 attendants, the atmosphere was playful and lively during the whole day.




Besides the play, our laboratory opened its doors to public, showcasing short lectures on its field of work, as well as basic concepts on Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) and confocal microscope.

Open day festival as a whole hosted over 1000 people this year, showing childrens’ and citizens’ interest in fields of biology, biotechnology and chemistry, making it the biggest manifestation so far.

Department of Biotechnology Open day festivities


On the 17th April from 10:00 hours up untill 19:00 hours, Department of Biotechnology will be open for public access on account of Open day festivities.

This annual manifestation will feature open laboratory access as well as workshops customized for various age groups, from kindergarden up to university students and professionals. They will feature professors and students from all branches of work inside the Department, including DNA isolation, cell cultures, virology, microscopy, and much more.

Extensive information, as well as workshop schedule in croatian language can be found here.